Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem
Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem

An encounter in a “Lead STEM” Capstone Project ignited the formation of the Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem (PSSE). The PSSE is a collection of STEM Ecosystems and STEM networks across Pennsylvania, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, that through purposeful cooperation and collaboration, focuses primarily on creating professional networks and a stable community of practice.
In the fall of 2020, PSSE joined with the Pennsylvania STEM Coalition - a statewide, cross-sector network of over 900 collaborators. Similar to PSSE, the PA STEM Coalition strove to provide equitable access to STEM learning experiences for every learner - from early childhood through higher education. In 2022, the PSSE and the Coalition consolidated into one entity - the Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem. Administered by a 14-member Leadership Team that meets regularly and represents Pennsylvania’s diverse regions and perspectives, it is composed of STEM Ecosystem Leads as well as an Advisory Board.

The PSSE is a collective effort for:
A common vision for STEM
The expansion of STEM Ecosystems
The review of Pennsylvania’s Science standards
We invite all of the Pennsylvania’s STEM Champions to join us and to continue to support Pennsylvania’s vision for STEM!
For more information, please contact
PSSE Director Alexandra A. Konsur
Through purposeful cooperation and collaboration, PSSE facilitates cross-sector convenings, amplifies STEM resources, drafts policy recommendations, and stewards a community of practice to advance equitable access and inclusion in quality STEM education and workforce development.
All Pennsylvanians will have access to quality
STEM education and career pathways to
become tomorrow’s leaders, influencers,
and problem-solvers.
PSSE Activities
We are updating our PSSE offerings and will be back in Fall 2024.
For more information, please contact
PSSE Director Alexandra A. Konsur
PSSE Members Listserv:
As part of the PSSE, you can communicate directly with other members. The list can be used to share statewide opportunities such
as events, professional development, conferences, funding, news, webinars, opportunities, or policy updates.
When sending an email to the PSSE members, please ensure the following:
The subject line is specific,
The opening salutation addresses “PSSE Members”, and
The recipients are listed in the blind carbon copy (bcc) email field of your message.
Please send your direct email to members found HERE.
STEM education Policy mem0 to the Biden administration
The PSSE is pleased to present this policy memo which is based on a stakeholder survey implemented in winter 2021. The survey collected data from 160 members, comprised of a diverse sampling of professionals working as principals, teachers, formal and informal STEM educators, consultants, program managers, heads of professional development, school counselors, superintendents, assistant superintendents, and more. This memo is intended to help inform and guide the Biden/Harris administration as the administration designs and implements policies pertaining to STEM Education.
To view the
STEM Education Policy Memo
click HERE.
STeels Academic standards Policy
mem0 to the
shapiro-Davis administration*
PSSE calls on the Shapiro-Davis administration to commit the resources and guidance required to fully implement and assess the 2022 Pennsylvania Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability (STEELS) academic standards.
*This will be the first in a series of policy memos that PSSE will release over the next two years. Policy priorities were decided by PSSE membership through surveys and meetings in the fall 2022 and the final document was vetted by members before release. It is intended for policymakers and the general public as a short summary in a single policy area.
To view the
STEELS Policy Memo
click HERE.
asset maps
The PSSE Is working on two complementary Asset Maps; one that identifies and provides details about Pennsylvania’s formal and informal STEM Ecosystems; and another that identifies the locations of all 800+ STEM Members. Both have the common goal of identifying and, ideally, filling gaps in Pennsylvania’s STEM resources, services, and supports.