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Regional Industries and
STEM Education (RISE)


RISE was created to cultivate STEM industry and STEM program partnerships. We help Philadelphia-area industries and businesses navigate the local STEM landscape and make informed decisions about how and where to offer support. STEM programs, teachers, and students can also connect with these industries and access the resources that they provide.

rise goals

  • Equip industries with understanding of the STEM landscape​

  • Allow participants to share successes, challenges, and strategies.​

  • Explore ways in which industries can collaborate.​

  • Provide opportunities for participants to showcase STEM engagement.​

  • Authentically champion diversity, equity, and inclusion.​

  • Cultivate authentic partnerships between industries and programs.​

  • Relay what content and skillsets are needed for industry careers.​

  • Understand “on-the-ground” programs.​

  • Provide a two-way clearing house.​

  • Foster continuous dialogue.

what's next?

The group’s 2022 monthly meetings framed, discussed, and suggested next steps. As a result, RISE is developing an online directory of industry opportunities.  This directory will include offerings that regional industries can provide to Philly-area STEM collaborators, such as outreach presentations, internships, apprenticeships, worksite tours, and funding.


We are fortunate that other Pennsylvania regions have developed similar directories and are learning important lessons from them. Specifically, we are studying Career Ready Berks, Career Ready Bucks, and Erie’s Career Street.


We need your help! If you would like to assist in developing this online directory, please contact:


Lisa QuattlebaumProject Manager

Regional Industries and STEM Education (RISE)

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